“…continents fold
and drift, framing new maps, possible worlds'
Collected Poems
A book of all David Attwooll’s poetry will be published in 2023.
An exploration of myth and memory, landscape and personal experience through parallel paths of poetry and visual art. A conversation where common themes are reflected on. Images crystallised from stories that ruminate on life’s brief span, the transient and intangible.
Cyclops concludes the trilogy of David Attwooll and Andrew Walton’s collaborations. The other two titles are Ground Work (2014) and Otmoor (2016), also published by Black Poplar.
Black Poplar (2018) - £10
Otmoor is an area of wetland just north-east of Oxford that seems strangely wild and remote. An artist who grew up there and a poet spent eighteen months exploring the moor, through close observation en plein air and on muddy walks, and through subsequent abstraction. Here are aspects of Otmoor’s past and present, memories and myths, real and imagined stories and images.
This project follows Andrew Walton’s and David Attwooll’s previous collaboration on Oxford’s Port Meadow, published in Ground Work: Twelve Walks (Black Poplar 2014)
Black Poplar (2016) - £6
Ground Work
Ground Work is the product of monthly walks through the course of a year in Port Meadow and Wolvercote Common, an area of uncultivated floodplain bordering Oxford and the Thames.
This collaboration between a poet and a painter explores different aspects of the character and history of the place; improvises on conversations and memories of two old friends; and most of all responds to the chance events, light, and weather as the seasons change.
Black Poplar (2014) - £5
The Sound Ladder
The Sound Ladder features war stories and resurrections, Cornwall and Mexico, demonstrations and school dances, refugees and book fairs, the natural world and the surrealism of the Internet, elegy, anger, and humour. And music: these poems listen to what the rhythm section is doing beneath the surface of specific places and events, the beat a few strata down.
David Attwooll was a winner of the 2013 Poetry Business competition with Surfacing, Ground Work (2014) is a poet’s calendar exploring, with the artist Andrew Walton, the topography, history and changing weather and light in a floodplain bordering Oxford and the Thames. The Sound Ladder contains poems from these pamphlets as well as more recent work.
Two Rivers Press (2015) - £8.95
Surfacing was a winner in the 2012/13 Book Pamphlet Competition, chosen by Simon Armitage.
David Attwooll lives in Oxford where he works in publishing and plays drums in a street band. His poems have been published in various magazines (including Smith’s Knoll, Magma, The Rialto, and The Reader) and a selection is in Carcanet’s Oxford Poets 2013 Anthology (published in June 2013).
Smith/Doorstop Books (2013) - £5
Ghost-Fishing: an Eco-Justice Poetry Anthology. University of Georgia Press (2016), edited by Melissa Tuckey.
Canterbury Festival Poet of the Year - an anthology of the short-listed poems. (2016) £5. Anthologies of the longlisted poems are available from the Festival office.
154 - poems by 154 contemporary poets in response to Shakespeare’s 154 sonnets.
Live Canon (2016) £14.
CAST: The Poetry Business Book of New Contemporary Poets. smith/doorstop (2014) £10.
Oxford Poets. Carcanet (2013) £14.95.
Other anthologies containing David Attwooll’s poems include:
Sounds Of Surprise (Albion Beatnik)
The Land Between (The Mullet Press)
David Attwooll’s poems have appeared in many magazines including:
14 Magazine
The Cannon’s Mouth
The Interpreter’s House
The North
Paris Lit Up
Poetry Salzburg Review
The Reader
The Rialto
Smiths Knoll
Under the Radar